A fictitious name is also known as DBA or doing business as, a trade name, or an assumed name. A fictitious name is not a business entity; it is fictitious. In our case, it can be considered a nickname for your LLC. Filing a DBA allows an LLC to conduct business using a name other than the officially registered LLC name listed in the certificate of organization. An example would be if you are a part of a franchise. Let's say you buy into the Little Gym franchise and also form an LLC by the name of Jay BC Enterprises LLC to legally protect yourself. In this case, you would register the fictitious name "Little Gym". Essentially, JBC Enterprises LLC is doing business as the Little Gym. Another use for a fictitious name is if an LLC wants to branch out into a new market or new geographical territory. Let's say Jim's company, Pittsburgh Paint Supplies LLC, is now going to enter the Harrisburg market. Jim can register the fictitious name "Harrisburg Paint Supplies". Again, in essence, Pittsburgh Paint Supplies LLC is doing business as Harrisburg Paint Supplies. In this example, however, if Jim's business were to grow and get larger, we recommend setting up a new LLC. Tying up a lot of money and liability under one umbrella can become riskier as the size of the business increases. Additionally, as an entrepreneur, it is good to think of your exit strategy. It is much easier to sell an entire LLC rather than dividing up shares or interest in one large company. Many times, people want to register a fictitious name with the same name as their LLC, just without the letters "LLC". Unfortunately, the state of Pennsylvania does not allow you to register an LLC and a fictitious name...
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Pennsylvania corporate estimated tax payments instructions Form: What You Should Know
The City of Philadelphia Taxpayer Registration & Payment System (TOPS) is now used. Please review the instructions carefully and follow all instructions when making payments to your city tax account. Additional information and instructions for completing an FSA-100 can be found on the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Markets website and the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue's website The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Markets, Department of Agriculture, Food and Markets, provides an e-TIDE service. The e-tide service provides online electronic filing and payment for Pennsylvania corporate and agricultural cooperatives and electric co-ops. The system automatically generates and processes the necessary tax documents, such as corporation tax returns and tax certificates, that are used by co-ops and cooperatives. These automated services are not available if the corporation is an industrial co-op or energy cooperative. The e-tide system also provides information on Pennsylvania corporate tax withholding. For more information, please visit the Electronic Filing and Payment Center at or contact the e-tide information line at. Additional contact for e-tides services: Tides Service Center or e-tides service line For tax information relating to the coops, please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture and Markets' website. To apply for and make available this rebate, contact the Revenue Division at or e-mail: and include the information from the PA corporation tax return from which this information is sought, the Pennsylvania state and local taxes you paid and any other comments regarding the rebate you want to provide. Also include copies of corporate documents or other evidence of your corporation's tax status. Revenue Division: or e-mail: revrecrevolutionservices.gov Return of excess tax paid by a corporation (PA Revised Revenue Laws, PA Statute of Limitations, PA Income Tax Law): Return of excess tax paid by a corporation (Pennsylvania Revised Tax Code, PA Statutes of Limitations, PA Income Tax Law): If the return shows that you have paid more taxes than were withheld by the employer, the employer may withhold an additional amount from your W2 which will be reflected on your paycheck.
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